Do Not Focus On What Other People Have

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When we’re focused on what other people have, we don’t have time to realize who we are, what we care about, and what we can do to create our own happiness now.’– Alex Liu

Do not resent other people for what they have. Do not envy other people for what they have. You have what it takes to make what they have.

They are not smarter than you. Maybe they just work a little harder than you right now. You can change that. All you have to do is focus on what you want for yourself, for your life.

Do not waste your time and energy on what other people have. If you work harder, you can change your life. Remember, life is not about what you have, but about how happy you are with what you have.

Do not lose yourself to what other people have. Instead, take charge of your life. Commit yourself to what you are doing right now. Do not waste your time.

If are not getting what you want, maybe it is time to change your focus. Why is that? Because if you focus on what other people are doing, you will never have time to do your own thing. And you will never have time to live your own life.

Do you want that to happen to you? If not, then change your focus.