4 Motivational Quotes For A Better Day

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Taking charge of your life begins with taking charge of your day. If you can’t take care of your day, you won’t be able to take care of your life.

Remember that how you live your day is how you live your life. So if you want to live a better life, if you want to create a better day for yourself, then read the following quotes:

‘Living is an inside-out process.’

‘Living is an inside-out process. You must look to your outside world for feedback about how you are progressing on the inside.’- Gina Mollicone- Long

If you are really interested in making peace with yourself, you must focus on ‘how you are progressing on the inside.’ Why is that? Because that is where you are. That is where you live. You live inside, not outside. But you need outside to know how you are doing on the inside.

Change what you can change.

‘When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.’- Viktor Frankl

You can’t change everything. The only person you can change is you. Do not try to change other people. Only focus on what you can change. If you try to change what you cannot change, you are just wasting your time. It won’t work.

Forgive yourself

‘Forgiveness gives you access to your inner world and allows you to shift who you are being.’- Gina Mollicone-Long

Forgiveness is not about the other person. It is all about you. If you want to set yourself free from bondage, you must forgive yourself.

Focus on what is important to you.

‘Good health, a sense of well-being and a purpose for living make any day beautiful.’- Napoleon Hill

Whatever it is that you really love to do, do it. That is why you are here. Do not waste your time on anything that is not moving you forward.

If something is not helping you, then it is hurting you. If you want to grow, you must stop what is hurting you. Stop what is hurting you. And you must do more of what is helping you.

Wherever you are, always Recuit The Best!

These Five Quotes Can Change Your Life

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Pexels.com

Man has freedom of action …’– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

You are in charge of your life. You have more power than you think. You can do more to change your situation than you think. Do not blame anyone for your life. Instead of blaming others for your life, why not use your time to take care of your situation?

‘When one does not live a normal life or a life using full potential, he feels miserable and tense and suffers in many ways.’– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

One of the primary reasons we are here is to grow. So if we are not growing, we are suffering. If we are not doing what we loved to do, we are wasting our lives. If you are not happy with your life, it is not about you. It is about what you are doing, how you are doing it, and how you see yourself. To change that, you must change your thoughts. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your life.

‘A weak action will produce a weak effect; a strong action will produce a strong affect.’- Maharishi Yogi

‘Life … is ever-changing.’– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

If you are not changing, something is not right. If you are not adding value to your life, you are not chasing the right thing for yourself. Remember that nothing stays forever. If you want to grow, if you want to get to where you want to be, you must embrace change. Again, if you are not changing, you are wasting your life; you are wasting your time. Why? Because you cannot defeat change. The only thing in life that is constant is change. To win, you must embrace it.

‘If you want the surroundings to be of best use to you, be of best use to your surroundings.’– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

You are not alone. Wherever you are, do not focus on the problems. Instead of focusing on the problems, focus on what you can do to make them better. If you can’t improve the situation, then stop talking about it.

‘The strength of action depends primarily upon the strength of thought.’- Maharishi Yogi

‘Action has to be performed because life means activity.’– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

It is okay to have a dream, but if you are not going to do anything to make it happen, your dream is not going to happen. Action is the only thing that can change your life. Where there is no action, there can be no progress. People who are doing well are not smarter than you, but they just take actions. If you want to grow, if you want to move your life forward, you must take action.

It is scary, but you can take it. You can do it. If you really want to grow in your life, you must take action to grow yourself. Remember, you are in charge of your life. If you do not take action to make things happen, no one is going to do it for you.

Remember, action equals progress.