Dealing With Obstacles

Photo by Mary Taylor on

Blessings in our lives can take the form of both opportunities and challenges, but we rarely see our challenges and obstacles for the opportunities that they truly are.’

‘Essence brings obstacles into our day so we may continue to grow, not just by how to handle the obstacles outside but also by how we handle the obstacles inside.’

‘Accept what is that you cannot change.’

It’s not so important to live for today necessarily, but to live in today.’

Start your day with an attitude check, count your blessings.’

End your day with gratitude and reflection.’

You can choose to be and act as your best self.’

Faith in yourself and faith in God are the key to mastering fear.’

It is important to protect yourself from negative energy using the mirrored egg and the white light.’

Fear can help us transcend our own limitations and discover a greater source of love and wisdom’-

Source: Char Margolis, The Universe is Calling You