Why You Must Stay In Your Lane

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Are you in your lane? If you are not, it is never too late to start again.

What does it mean to stay in your own lane?

When you are in your own lane, you accept who you are. When you are in your own lane, you are you. You follow your heart. You don’t compare yourself to anyone. You don’t care about what other people are doing. The only thing that matters to you is your growth.

‘When you are in your lane, there is no traffic.’- Ava DuVernay

When you are in your own lane, you are not scared to do what you most need to do. When you are in your own lane, you are not scared of mistakes, of failures. You are comfortable with whatever you get. You are comfortable with yourself.

When you are in your own lane, you are being true to yourself. You don’t lie to yourself. And when you are in your own lane, you don’t settle for less. You know what you can do. You know what you cannot do. Above all, when you are in your lane, when you are doing your own thing, when you are living your life, ‘there is no traffic.’

‘When you are in your lane, you are in charge of your life.’

So if you want to be successful in your life, do not be scared to follow your path. Do not be scared to start something, to be the first to do something. And do not be scared to represent yourself. Because if you don’t, other people will represent you. When they do, they are in charge of your life, not you. Do you want that to happen to you?