If You Support Yourself, That Is Good Enough

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

Your dream is your dream. Your life is your life. And your future is yours. If you are for yourself, no one can be against you.

If you are for your dreams, no one is going to be against them. Because they are your dreams. Because of that, do not expect everybody to love them, to support them, to nurture them. It won’t happen.

Some will criticize you. Some will call you names. Some will ignore it. Some will even stop talking to you. While others will just wait and see what is going to happen.

Rather than allowing them to demotivate you, why not use their negative words to power yourself to the next level? Do not worry about them. Because they don’t know what they are doing. They don’t know your dreams. They don’t know where you are going. And they are not happy with you. Because you are getting things done. Because you know where you are going.

Whether they are happy with you or not, you are enough. If you are for yourself, if you are for your dreams, if you are for your growth, no one can be against you. So keep being. Keep doing. And keep going. You will get there!