Never Fail To Appreciate Your Life

Photo by Magda Ehlers on

‘You don’t have to wait until something’s taken from you

in order to appreciate the fact that it’s there.’- Noah St. John

Life is to short to play with. Whatever you have, do not play with it.

If you do not take care of what you have, you risk losing it.

Your life is important. And you must take care of it.

To Increase Your Happiness, You Must Do Tbis On A Regular Basis

Photo by Zaksheuskaya on

If a person could do only one simple thing to increase their health and happiness then expressing gratitude on a regular basis must be it.’– Steven Bartlett

Gratitude is attractive. People want more, but they are not grateful for what they already have.

People want to have more things, but they are not grateful for what they already have.

That is not how gratitude works. If you want to increase your happiness, increase your gratitude.

Stop complaining. Instead of complaining, why not celebrate what you have? Why not enjoy what you already have?

To get more, forget about what is not there. To increase your happiness, forget about what is not there.

To increase your peace, do not worry about what others are doing. Instead, why not choose you?

Why not choose gratitude? Why not choose joy? Why not choose peace? Why not choose love?