Is Your Aspiration Enough?

No matter what you are telling yourself, if your aspiration is not enough, nothing is going to happen.

‘If you’re not actually taking steps to do something, then you don’t really want to do it, no matter what you’re telling yourself. Your aspiration is insufficient.’- Erika Andersen

You can do whatever you commit yourself to do. But your aspiration must be strong enough to keep you going.

Why you are doing what you are doing must be strong enough to keep you in your lane.

Always ‘Act Like A Challenger Even If You Are A Champ.’ Here Is Why

Do more. If you want more, you must do more. If you want to grow, you must challenge yourself. Do not settle for small things.

Move around. Do not expect successful people to come to you. If you want to see them, you must ‘act like a challenger.’ Leave your comfort zone.

Do not settle for less. You can do more for yourself. Do not limit your life. If you don’t want to fail in your life, you must challenge yourself to get better.

In the words of Dave Anderson, ‘Act like challenger even if you are a champ. Challengers are hungry and humble, and have something to prove. Champs can become cocky and complacent, and can turn into know-it-alls.’

If you want change, stay hungry.

If want to grow, stay humble. And if you want to stay happy, ALWAYS challenge yourself.