Read This If You Don’t Know How To Stop Worrying About Your Past

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Photo by Daniel Reche on

“Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.”-Katherine Mansfield

Why are you regretting your past? You are not alone. We have all done things that we are not proud of. We have all done things that we are not comfortable talking about. Are you going to allow your past to take charge of your life, or are you going to take charge of your life?

If you want to live a beautiful life, you must control your own life. You must control your own happiness. You must control your own mind. This is important. He who controls his or her mind controls everything.

Look, my friend, your past is not to regret, your past is to celebrate. Your past should be your right hand teacher. Your past should be your teacher. Why is that? You have made some pretty good decisions in the past. And also you have made some terrible decisions in the past. You can learn from them. Your past is your past. Accept it. Celebrate it. Learn from it.

When you keep worrying about your past, you are not helping yourself, you are hurting yourself. You are hurting yourself; you can no longer focus on the present. You can no longer focus on yourself- your life, your happiness, your health, your relationships, your career.

Remember, you don’t live in the past, you live in the present. You dream in the present. You set goals in the present. You attend your job interview in the present. You fall in love in the present. You kiss in the present. You travel to other countries in the present. So, my friend, why the heck are you worrying about yesterday?

Let us talk sense here. Can you bring yesterday back? If you are honest with yourself, the answer is a big no. Your focus should be how to move forward, not how to move backward. If you have made the decision to move forward, now is the time to start doing things right. Work in the now. Love in the now. Plan in the now. Think in the now. Enjoy in the now.

If you don’t focus on your NOW, you will not have tomorrow that you are fighting to have. What you are doing right now will determine how you are going to live your life tomorrow. So to have a better tomorrow, maintain a better today. Don’t worry about anything, plan for everything.

Every Day Is A New Start. Take Advantage Of It

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Photo by Pixabay on

“Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.”- Marsha Petrie Sue

You have made lots of mistakes in the past. Who cares? Nobody. You have made mistakes, but mistakes didn’t make you. That is what life is all about. We fear to make mistakes. We fear to get out of certainty. We fear to take a leap of faith. Sometimes we even fear to trust ourselves. There is always hope. Today is your day of hope. Today is the day that you will start to move in the right direction.

You can always start again, again, and again. If you have been in a terrible relationship in the past, today is a new day to start again. If you have failed an exam in the past, today is the day to start preparing again to pass it. If you have doubted yourself in the past, today is a new day.

It is a new beginning. You have today to set the record straight. You have today to do the things that you were created to do- to love, to care about people, to grow, to make a difference, to be happy, to be yourself, to do your best, and to be yourself. Not to imitate anyone. Every day is a gift to live your life, to love again, to get to know yourself, to get to know your children, to know your neighbor, to study, to make a difference, to do something great.

You are here for a reason. You are here to make your days count. You are not here just to exist; you are here to live your life to the fullest. You are not here to live in fear; you are here to live in faith. You are not here to be unhappy; you are here to be happy. You are not here to be a copy; you are here to be an original you. Today gives you a change to forgive yourself of all your sins. Today gives you the chance to forgive those who have hurt you. Today gives you the opportunity to get closer to God.

Don’t waste your day. Don’t let people waste your day for you. Use your day creatively. Use your day to bless yourself. Use your day to find out what you can do to change your life. Use your day to be a blessing to other people. Use your day to be a blessing to your life. Use your day to be a blessing to the world. Use your day to love people. Use your day to dream, to set goals, and to reconnect with your real self. Use your day to focus on your strengths while you are improving your weaknesses.

When you wake up in the morning, say to yourself, “Today is a new beginning. I am going to use it to bless myself. I am going to use it to bless other people. I am going to use it to bless the world. I am going to use it to change my life. I am not going to use it to think negative things. I am not going to use it to blame other people. I am going to use it to take responsibility for my life. I will use my time wisely. I will use my day wisely. I will make my day count. “I will grow through the day.”’