Are You Done?

Photo by Mu1ea1nh Hu00f9ng on
Are you done developing yourself? 
If you want to win in your life, then you are not done growing yourself. 
Even if you are not getting what you want, even if you are not there yet,
even if things are not going your way, do not give up.

Yesterday's losers are today's experts. Yesterday's timid ones are today's courageous ones.
So if you are not there yet, it does not mean it is not going to happen for you. 
Do not give up. Do not give in to fear. You will get there. 

Before you forget your dreams, do not forget that human beings are not finished products. 
We are incomplete. We are not perfect. We are still developing. We are still growing, still learning.
And it will never stop. 

So do not let the fear of failure stop you from getting what you want. Do not let the fear of falling stop you from standing up. And do not let the fear of losing stop you from playing. 
Why? Because if you do not play, you are not going to win. No chance. 
If you are not in, you are out. 
Do not get out. Don't take yourself out. If you do not take yourself out, no one can take you out.