Today Is A New Day

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Today is a new day.
What are you going to do with it?
How are you going to live it?

Today is a new day.
Do not waste it. Use it to live,
To love, and to make yourself happy.

Today is a new day.
Do not use it to think about
your past mistakes, your past failures.
Use it to rewrite your story, 
The story you want to world read,
The things you want the world to know 
About you. 

Today is a new day.
Use it to live your life.
Use it to celebrate your life.
Use it to discover your purpose,
The reason you are here on Earth.

Today is a new day.
It is a gift. It is a blessing.
Use it to change your life.
Because you are not going to be here forever.

Today is a new day.
What are you doing with it?

Follow Your Purpose

Photo by Magda Ehlers on
You have a purpose.
You are here for a reason. 
Even if you do not know what you are doing,
Even if your purpose is not clear to you,
Do not give up on yourself. 

You have a purpose.
Your purpose is the reason you are here.
Whatever it is that makes you come alive,
Whatever it is that wakes you up, 
Whatever it is that makes you feel bigger than you really are,
Whatever it is that shows you the way, that is your purpose.

You have a purpose.
It is not your work. It is not your hobby.
It is your mentor. It is your guide.
When you find your purpose, 
You will be at peace with yourself.
When you find your purpose, 
You will be happy with yourself.
When you find your purpose, 
You will feel good about what you are doing, 
Where you are, and where you are going.

You are have a purpose.
Find your purpose.
Follow your purpose.
Care for your purpose. 
Nurture your purpose.
And celebrate your purpose.