‘You Are The Author Of Your Own Identity’

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

‘You are the author of your own identity. You are the main character in the story of your life, and the character description is up to you and no one else. … When you change your story, and you change your labels, you change your life.’- Jamie Kern Lima

‘When you change your story, and you change your labels, you change your life.’-

Jamie Kern Lima

When you change your story, you change your world. To grow, you must have the courage to tell yourself what you NEED to hear, not what you want to hear.

When you change your story, you change your life. Why not start now? And if not now, when?

How To Get Everything You Want

Photo by Anamul Rezwan on Pexels.com

‘Success is living your life the way you want to.’- Ann Kaplan

Success is having the courage to live your life the way you want to express it. If you do not have the courage to chase your dreams, you are not going to be able to live a happy life.

And to get everything you want in your life, you have got to go after your dreams.

You are not the victim of circumstances, but the creator of opportunity.’- Ann Kaplan

To get everything you want in your life, you must take full responsibility for your life. Do not blame anyone for your life. Instead of blaming others, why not look for an opportunity to express who you are? Remember, you are not a victim; you are a victor. If you don’t have an opportunity to bring out the best in yourself, then create one for yourself. Is it going to be easy? No, but you can do it.

If you believe you have the power to find success, if you believe that by taking calculated steps you will be able to achieve the change you want, that the efforts put in today will enable the change tomorrow, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.’- Ann Kaplan

Whatever you want to achieve in your life, it comes with a price. To win, you must do the work. You must get your hands dirty, really dirty. You must take charge of your life. Remember, you can’t rush success. It takes time to get great things done. If you want to be successful, you must believe that success is possible.

If you accept that we all live in our own reality, then you can also accept that you are in control of your reality, that you determine your unique perspective on life and how you live it, and that how you spend every moment is a choice.’- Ann Kaplan

Remember, how you spend your day is how you live your life. If you are not happy with your current reality, then do something about it. Do not complain about your reality. If it is not what you want for yourself, you can change it. You do that by paying attention to your ‘thoughts habits’.

Do not do what other people are doing. If you do, you are living their lives, not yours. And to live your own life, to live as your true self, you must ‘take control of the path you are on.’

When you learn to control and direct your mind, distancing yourself from negative thoughts, you can teach that inner monologue to work for you, not against you.’- Ann Kaplan

What are you telling yourself? How do you see yourself? Do you think you can achieve greatness?

When it comes to your success, if you want to get it, to get everything you want, you must position your mind for greatness.

To do that, according to Ann Kaplan, ‘We must become aware of when we are falling into these negative patterns and what triggers them in the first place, so we can replace these faulty lines of logic with more positive patterns of thought.’

If you want to live a positive life, you must fill your mind with positive thoughts.