Are You Feeling Stuck In Your Life?

Photo by Cup of Couple on

You are not stuck. According Kathy Caprino, ‘You’re only stuck if you let yourself be stuck.’ If you are feeling stuck, if you are not getting things done, if you are not where you are supposed to be, then try something different.

Stop doing the same thing. Stop meeting the same people. If you keep doing the same thing, your life is not going to change.

In Kathy’s words, ‘If you keep doing the same thing over and over, you’ll struggle to bring about positive change.’

To unstuck yourself, according to Tom Oliver, ‘The only way to transform your self-image, transform your life, and transform your success in business is to bombard yourself with a never-ending stream of positive suggestions, imagery, praise, visions, desires, goals, and successes.’

Are You Settling For Less Than You Really Deserve?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

‘What was once a harmless decision of opting for safety soon becomes a limiting, even debilitating lifestyle of inaction.’– Rory Vaden

What was once a harmless decision of opting for safety soon becomes a limiting, even debilitating lifestyle of inaction.’-

Rory Vaden

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, if you are not having fun, if you are not growing, if you are not moving forward, if you are not happy with yourself, it is time to move on.

Do not ignore your feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, it is not right. It is time to try something better.

Try something new. Do not settle for less than you are really worth. If you do, you are cheating yourself.

Wherever you are, always Recruit The Best!