6 Top Michel de Montaigne Quotes To Help You Stay More Productive In Life

Brown Anton Ground
Photo by Jimmy Chan

Help people to help themselves. Your purpose in life is help yourself. But you can’t yourself without helping other people.

“Who does not in some sort live for others, does not live much to himself.”- Michel de Montaigne

You are bigger than what you fear. Do not let your fears control your actions.

“There is no passion so contagious as that of fear.”- Michel de Montaigne

The value of life. If you are not happy with your life, you must check what you do every day. As the old saying goes, “How you spend your day is how you spend your life.”

“The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them…”- Michel de Montaigne

Be grateful for what you have right now. Do not live in the past. You must ‘rejoice in the things that are present.

“Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.”- Michel de Montaigne

You can’t change people, but you can change yourself. If you want change, start with yourself.

“Not being able to govern events, I govern myself.”- Michel de Montaigne

If you want to let go of something, don’t worry about it. Your brain will take care of it.

“Nothing prints more lively in our minds than something we wish to forget.”- Michel de Montaigne

8 Best Albert Camus Quotes To Help You Live Your Best Life

Variety Of Green Cactus in Brown Clay Pots
Photo by Lum3n

You have the power to live your best life. If you have not started, it is never too late to start. You can start now.

You can start with these quotes.

You can make your life beautiful by focusing on beautiful things.

“Life can be magnificent and overwhelming- that is its whole tragedy.”- Albert Camus

Do not ignore the beauty of life.

“Without beauty, love, or danger it would be almost easy to live.”- Albert Camus

If you want to understand people, pay attention to their feelings

“Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying.”- Albert Camus

A determined person will always win. If you want to win, to succeed, you must focus on what is in front of you.

“Everything considered, a determined soul will always manage.”- Albert Camus

If you want to live your best life, you must not spend your energy on normal things.

“Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.”- Albert Camus

If you want to achieve greatness in your life, you must be comfortable with change.

“If the world were clear, art would not exist.”- Albert Camus

You are not going to be happy every day.

“Happiness and the absurd are two sons of the same earth. They are inseparable.”- Albert Camus

It is never too late to figure out what you are really good at. Do not wait for the Last Judgement.

“Do not wait for the Last Judgement. it takes place every day.”- Albert Camus