Wondering What If

Quote Calligraphy Under Cup of Lemon Tea
Photo by Dominika Roseclay

Life is a struggle.

Struggles designed to make you stronger,

Not weaker.

Your task is face your struggles.

Face them with love, happiness, and compassion.

If you don’t face your own struggles,

You will always wonder what if.

You Can’t Do Everything, But You Can Do Something

Woman in Pink Dress Using Laptop Computer
Photo by Moose Photos on Pexels.com

“A man’s power and intelligence are limited. He who wants to do everything will never do anything.”- Andre Maurois

One of the best ways to succeed is to do what you can do well. Success requires focus. It requires discipline. If you spread your focus too thin, if you don’t focus on what you do, your dreams, your goals, if you don’t focus on where you are, where you are going, how can you succeed?

Don’t try to do everything, but try to do something. Do what you are good at. Know what you can do. Focus on your strengths, not on your weaknesses. Success comes from your strengths, not from your weaknesses. If you focus on your strengths, you will grow stronger and better. But if you focus on your weaknesses, you will grow smaller and weaker.

Don’t spread yourself too thin. Don’t focus on everything, focus on something. Focus on one thing and do it well. Focus equals success.