Why Change Matters

Life is change. If you want to grow in your life, you must embrace change. It is not easy. But without it, you are not going anywhere.

Here are five benefits of change, according to Dan Pontefract, ‘Life becomes less stressful, and anxiety reduction is likely to lead to productivity increases.’

‘When unanticipated curveballs head your way, you shrewdly know how to address them.’

Others around you recognize your capacity to adapt, admiring your flexibility and poise.’

You will experience growth, able to use it in future scenarios when change is thrust upon you.’

You’re no longer pusillanimous of change, but rather a leader who embraces it as seamlessly as the reasons change.’

Are You Suffering From Perfectionism?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Life is not perfect. No one is perfect. If you are suffering from perfectionism, you are not alone.

If perfectionism is holding you back, if you are stuck, you can set yourself free. You can get your life back.

According to Tom Oliver, ‘If you are suffering from perfectionism, try to adopt the attitude that life is a rehearsal- all the time. Once you free yourself up to make mistakes, you will instantly improve and will have much more fun doing it. Then your productivity will soar because your perfectionism will no longer block you from living your energy and actually doing the work.’

You are not getting things done because you want everything to be perfect. You want to get everything perfect before you sent it out. You don’t want anyone to see your work. You are hiding things because you think they are not good enough.

You can hide things all you like. If you want to improve your life, you must embrace mistakes. If you don’t want to make mistakes, you are not going anywhere.

According to Tom, ‘Only doing the work will make you any better.’ If you want to get better, you must let go of perfectionism.