What You Admire In Others Will Develop In Yourself

Woman Standing on Brown Wooden Plank
Photo by Kilian M

“What you admire in others will develop in yourself. Therefore, to love the ordinary in any one is to become ordinary, while to love the noble and the lofty in all minds is to grow into the likeness of that which is noble and lofty.”- Christian D. Larson

“What you admire in others will develop in yourself. Therefore, to love the ordinary in any one is to become ordinary, while to love the noble and the lofty in all minds is to grow into the likeness of that which is noble and lofty.”-

Christian D. Larson


2 thoughts on “What You Admire In Others Will Develop In Yourself

  1. David M. Green

    It depends on what particular “Ordinary” is in season. For instance True Modesty is out of fashion these days making a “Modest” individual quite rare and extraordinary! 😲🤓🤔

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